10 个小红花贴纸 或是 House Points 可兑换一张奖励卡
1. 免做作业卡
- 学生可选择不做本周作业里其中的一页,或是其中一项。
2. 换座位卡
- 学生可选择坐在自己喜欢的座位或是和自己的朋友坐在一起。(只限一天
3. 表扬信卡
- 老师给家长写一封邮件或是卡片表扬学生的课堂表现。
4. 共进午餐卡
- 学生可与老师共享一次午餐。
这张奖励卡对低年级的孩子们比较有诱惑力,高年级的孩子们可能会觉得这奖励是一种惩罚。( ̄▽ ̄").
P/S 由于疫情关系,我们都得保持社交距离,所以我暂时取消了这张奖励卡。
5. 电脑加时卡
- 学生可使用此卡延长自己玩游戏(比如 Quizlet) 的时间。
- 老师也可让拥有此卡的学生提前玩5分钟。
6. 拍立得合照卡
- 学生和老师拍一张拍立得照片,老师在照片上简单地写下一句赞美的话。
7. 看短视频卡
- 在课上时间,学生可选择一个5到7分钟的中文短视频观看。如果学生知道的中文视频不多,老师可推荐他们。
- 音乐影片 Music Video、李子柒、小P优优、快乐大本营等等
8. 画画卡
- 老师给学生画一张卡,肖像、动物、花儿等等 (学生可选择自己想要的画
- 老师在画卡后边给学生写下几句赞美的话
9. 圆珠笔卡
- 学生使出此卡的当天可使用圆珠笔写字做题。
HanziPen SC
Wawati SC
However, I find out not all students love these, and it could end up with just a waste of money, really.
So one day, two years ago while I was scrolling my wechat moments, and I saw there was a post being shared by my friend. The post was written by 巴别塔. (Please subscribe their wechat page - TheBaBelTower- if you haven't! They have loads of resources up there.) 巴别塔 was sharing a post about "Cooper Coupon". I decided to adapt and apply it in my lesson, because it is just AWESOMEEE! I called it Reward Coupon in my class.
How it works:
- Teacher will give stamp/sticker to students during lesson, based on their classroom performance, homework, engagement. You could just give them stamp if they answer a question correctly in Mandarin.
- Students have their stamps/stickers in their front or back cover of their book.
- Students could exchange their 10 stamps with a House point or school merit (if there is such thing in your school).
- It is not necessary for students to exchange their 10 stamps with a house point. They could SAVE it up to 15 or 20 stamps to exchange a reward coupon!
I love this idea and want to try this out. Waiting for more coupon designs ;)
Great idea!
Loved it more details pls :)
well, it's been a long time since i read your blog posts.
woah, it seems students from year 3 to year 8 like such positive rewards.
that's really interesting.
Great idea! Could you share with us how do you use these coupons in the class?
Would love to try out this reward strategy!
I think my students will love the "skip the homework" card idea...looking forward to knowing more how you actually use this strategy in your classroom. Thanks a lot.
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